Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pharmacist Day - 25-09-2013

My dear fellow Pharmacists!

Greetings from Pharmacy Council of India , to all fellow pharmacists on the Pharmacist's day being celebrated on the September 25th this year onwards. The observing of the Pharmacist's day is not only for seeking recognition or recognizing pharmacists role in the health care, but also to remind us all of our responsibilities too!

Whenever I think of recognition for the pharmacists I am overwhelmed the respect and recognition we received from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam the former President of India. What more can be more befitting that he even coined a pharma oath for all of us! We gratefully thank him on this occasion.

Tomorrow the Million Pharmacist's of this country are going to observe the Pharmacist's day and I appeal to all my fellow pharmacists that let us take this oath on this day and let be heard a million times in this country! Let us all tomorrow  do one act of random kindness by helping those in need of health care by guiding them on the medicines they take!

Let us all work together and make this profession a glorious one.

Please forward this mail to the million pharmacists of the country so that our voice could be heard globally!

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