Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Blood Bank / Centre
Blood Bank / Centre - How to obtain license

Click below links:


Blood Centre (Bank) – requirements at a glance

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-1)

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-2)

FAQs – on Blood Bank / Centre (Part-3)

FAQs on Legal Metrology & Blood Bags

FAQs – on Blood Bags and its Testing

Pharmacopoeial status of Blood and its components

How to obtain manufacturing license for Blood Bank / Centre

Documents required for obtaining Blood Centre

For obtaining manufacturing license for Blood Centre, the list of documents required is provided below. Download the pdf file and prepare the documents accordingly.


Procedure for obtaining license

Procedure for obtaining manufacturing license for Blood Centre. Download the pdf file for more detail and prepare the documents accordingly.


Form and fee

List of Forms
& Fee for obtaining the said license is provided below. Download the pdf
file and prepare the Form accordingly and submit the required fee.



Download the
below pdf files for various Forms which suits your requirement


Click for all other application forms

Submit your
application (Online and / or hard copy) to DCGI and State Drugs Controller / Licensing
Authority of your area after completing all the required documents.

Note: Requirements
of some of documents and procedure for submission of application may vary from
State to State

License conditions

Conditions of licenses is to be maintained after obtaining the required Blood Centre. Download the pdf file for ready reference.


License renewal fee: Procedure

Procedure for
submission of license renewal fee. Download the pdf file for more detail and
prepare the documents accordingly.


Requirements for running a Blood Centre

Part X-B

Requirements for the collection, storage, processing and distribution of Whole Human Blood, Human Blood Components by Blood Banks / centres and manufcature of blood products are mentioned in “part X B of drugs and cosmetics act 1940 and rules framed thereunder. For more details click below:


Part XII-B

Requirements for the functioning and operation of a blood Centre and / or for preparation of blood components are mentioned in “part XII B of drugs and cosmetics act 1940 and rules framed thereunder. For more details click below:

Requirements-for-running-a-Blood-Centre - Part XII B

List of emergency Equipment / Items / Drugs to be kept in the Blood Centre / Bank:

(i) Oxygen cylinder with mask, gauge and pressure regulator. (ii) 5 per cent Glucose or Normal Saline. (iii) Disposable sterile syringes and needles of various sizes. (iv) Disposable sterile I.V. infusion sets. (v) Ampoules of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Mephentin, Betamethasone or Dexamethasone, Metoclorpropamide injections. (vi) Aspirin.

Deferment of blood donation

Blood donation cannot be done in the conditions mentioned below for the period mentioned in the table below:

CONDITIONSPERIOD OF DEFERMENTAbortions6 monthsHistory of Blood6 monthsSurgery12 months Typhoid12 months after recoveryHistory of Malaria and duly treated 2 months (endemic) 3 years (non endemic area)Tattoo6 monthsBreast feeding12 months after deliveryImmunization (Cholera, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Plague, Gammaglobulin)15 days  Rabies vaccination1 year after vaccinationHistory of Hepatitis in family or close contact12 monthsImmunoglobulin12 months

These persons should not donate blood

No person shall donate blood and no blood bank shall draw blood from a person, suffering from any of the diseases mentioned below, namely:

(a) Cancer (b) Heart disease (c) Abnormal bleeding tendencies (d) Unexplained weight loss (e) Diabetes-controlled on insulin (f) Hepatitis infection (g) Chronic nephritis (h) Signs and symptoms, suggestive of AIDS (i ) Liver diseases (j) Tuberculosis (k) Polycythemia Vera. (l) Asthma (m) Epilepsy (n) Leprosy (o) Schizophrenia (p) Endocrine disorders

Important notifications


GSR-166 (E) dated 11-03-20 regarding – Blood Bank / Blood Centre, Qualification of Doctor and technical staff etc.


Central Govt. has issued notification dated 03-04-2017 regarding Blood Transfer to another Blood Bank and Blood donation Camps. Click below for the said notification:



GSR 733 (E) dt 21-12-2005 Blood bank run by Govt, Red Cross, Hospitals, Charitable trust or Voluntary Organization approved by Blood Transfusion Council




GSR 600 (E) dt 27-08-2002 regarding In-Vitro Blood grouping Sera and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices for HIV, HbsAg and HCV



GSR 40 (E) Dt 29-01-2001 Regarding Blood Bank – Blood donation, Testing, Records labels, Plasma etc.


FAQs on Cord Blood Banking

ICMR – FAQs on Cord Blood Banking, clccik below link


List of Blood Centres / Banks in India

List of Licensed Blood Centres / Banks in India as on Feb 2015


NBTC Guidelines

National Blood Transfusion Council (NBTC) has issued some guidelines regarding Blood banks / centres. (These guideline shave been taken from NBTC website) Click below links to read or download:















NACO Guidelines

National AIDS Control Organisation has issued Blood Bank / Centre Guidelines, Standards for Blood Banks / Centres and Blood Bank / Centre Policy. To read or download click below links:

Blood Bank guidelines by NACO 2014, Click below link to download:


Standards for Blood Banks and Blood Transfusion Services NACO 2007


National Blood Policy, 2007, Click the below link to download:


Standards for Blood Banks and Blood Transfusion Services 2007, click the below link to download:


Bombay Blood Group

Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Blood Clots

Adequate and safe blood transfusion for all: Article

Why India needs more blood donors: Article

Blood Centre: Precautions and safety to be observed during blood transfusion

Blood Bank / Centre: Difference Between SDP and RDP

Notifications - Blood Bank / Centre

Click for more articles on Blood Centre / Bank

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