Download the list of NSQ samples for September 2022, link is given below: The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) has declared 59 drug samples out of a total of 1456 drug samples tested as not of standard quality (NSQ) and none declared as misbranded and none spurious during the month of September 2022.
Click here to download NSQ list September 2022
Out of the 1456 samples tested during the month, 1397 samples came out with standard quality, while 59 samples were declared as not of standard quality (NSQ) & none declared as misbranded and none as spurious.
Picture: Pixabay
None of the samples were identified as spurious and none declared as adulterated during the month. Every month, the drug regulator comes up with a list of drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics that are declared not of standard quality / spurious / adulterated / misbranded, every month.
Click to download month and year wise lists of NSQ drugs
During the month of August, 2022, the authorities tested 1330 samples, out of which 1285 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 45 and none as misbranded and none as spurious.
During the month of July, 2022, the authorities tested 1337 samples, out of which 1283 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 53 and one as misbranded and none as spurious.
During the month of June, 2022, the authorities tested 1096 samples, out of which 1070 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 26 and none as misbranded and spurious.
During the month of May, 2022, the authorities tested 1233 samples, out of which 1192 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 41 and none as misbranded and spurious.
During the month of April, 2022, the authorities tested 1164 samples, out of which 1137 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 27 and none as misbranded and spurious.
During the month of March, 2022, the authorities tested 1454 samples, out of which 1406 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 48 and none as misbranded.
During the month of February, 2022, the authorities tested 1221 samples, out of which 1181 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 39 and one as misbranded.
During the month of January, 2022, the authorities tested 1227 samples, out of which 1200 samples were tested as of standard quality. The number of samples declared as not of standard quality was 27 and none as misbranded.
The test samples were drawn by the zonal and sub-zonal offices of CDSCO, and tested in the drug testing laboratories i.e CDL, CDTLs & RDTLs in Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, and Guwahati.
Month wise drug alerts, click to download below links
Drug alert: 45 out of 1330 samples declared as NSQ in August 2022
Drug alert: 53 out of 1337 samples declared as NSQ in July 2022
Drug alert: 26 out of 1096 samples declared as NSQ in June 2022
Drug alert: 41 out of 1233 samples declared as NSQ in May 2022
Drug alert: 27 out of 1164 samples declared as NSQ in April 2022
Drug alert: 48 out of 1454 samples declared as NSQ in March 2022
Drug alert: 40 out of 1221 samples declared as NSQ in February 2022
Drug alert: 27 out of 1227 samples declared as NSQ in January 2022
Drug alert: 33 out of 1385 samples declared as NSQ in December 2021
Drug alert: 22 out of 1102 samples declared as NSQ in November 2021
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