Food and Drugs Administrations in India
Must read articles: Click the below links:
INSPECTION of a Sale & Distribution Premises
Skills & Qualities necessary to be an Effective Regulator
Inspection procedure by FDA regulatory
Right to Dignity at WorkPlace
Suggestions for conducting a decoy operation on Medical Shops
Click here to read FDA News
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation(CDSCO) under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of India. Its headquarter is located at FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi 110002 and also has six (6) Zonal Offices, four (4) Sub Zonal Offices, thirteen (1) Port Offices and seven (7) Laboratories spread across the country.
CDSCOCentral Drugs Standard Control Organisation
Website links of State FDAs of India
Click the link below to visit the websites of FDAs of India
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
List of State Drugs Controllers / LAs of India
Here is the list of 35 State Drugs Controllers / Licensing Authorities of Food and Drugs Administrations of all the States and Union Territories of India along with their office addresses.
List of State Drugs Controllers / LAs of India
Sr. No.State / UTAddress1Andaman Nicobar UTThe state Drug Controller cum Director Health Services Andaman Nicobar & N Island, Port Blair-7441042Andhra PradeshDrugs Control Bhawan, Vengalaro Nagar, Hyderabad.3Arunachal PradeshThe state Drug Controller cum Director Health Services, Arunachal Pradesh, Naharalgun-7911104AssamThe state Drug Controller cum Director Health Services, Assam, Hengrabari, Guwahati-7810.365BiharThe state Drug Controller, Vikas Bhawan, 4th Floor, Baily Road, Patna-8000156Chandigarh UTThe state Drug Controller cum Director Health Services, Sec-16, Civil Hospital, Chandigarh7ChhatisgarhState Drugs Controller, Chhatisgarh, HOD Building Block-A, 4th Floor, Indrawati Bhawan, Naya Raipur, C.G. 492002, Chhatisgarh8Dadar Nagar and Haveli UTController FDA, Old Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Sh.Vinobha Bhave Civil Hospital, Silvasa-3962309Daman and Diu UTDepartment of Health Services-Daman-39622010Delhi UTDrugs Control Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, F-17, Karkardooma, Shahdara, Delhi-11003211GoaDirector of Food & Drug Administration, Old IPHB Building, Attenho Panaji, Goa-40300112GujratCommission of FDA, Block No.8, Old Secretariat, Gandhi Nagar, Gujrat13HaryanaState Drugs Controller,SCO-94, Sec-5, Panchkula, Haryana14Himachal PradeshDrugs Control Office, Sai Road, Baddi District, Solan(H.P.)15Jammu & KashmirController Food & Drugs, Patoli Mangotran Jammu(J&K)16JharkhandThe Director (Drugs), State Drugs Control Directorate, Jharkhand, RCH Campus, Namkum, Ranchi 834010, Jharkhand17KarnatakaDrugs Control Karnataka, Post Bag No.5377, Palace Road, Banglore-56000118KerlaDrugs Controller, Public Health Laboratory Campus, Kerla Red Cross Road, Thiruvananthapuram-69503519Lakshadweep UTMedical & Health Services Lakshadweep, P.O.-Kavaratti, Vikochi-68255520Madhya PradeshController Food & Drugs Administration, Madhya Pradesh, Idgah Hills, Bhopal(M.P.)-46200121MaharastraFDA, 341, Bandra Kurla Complex, Opp. RBI Building, Madusudan Kalelkar Marg, Bandra (East)Mumbai22ManipurAdnl. Director, Medical & Health Services, Manipur, Lamphlept Imphal-795004, Manipur23MizoramDirectorate of Health Services, Mizoram, Aizwal-79600124MeghalayaDirectorate of Health Services, Lower Lachummiera, Meghalaya, Shillong25NagalandDepartment of Health Services, Kohima-79700126OrissaDirectorate of Drugs Control, Orissa, The Drugs Controller, New Nandan Kanan Road, Bhubaneshwar-75101727Pondicherry UTFood & Drug Administration, 1st Floor, Govt. Hospital Building, Murungapakkam, Poundchery-60500428PunjabJoint Commissioner Drugs, Food and Drugs Administration, Punjab, FDA Bhawan, Near Civil Hospital, Kharar, Tehsil Kharar, Distt SAS Nagar, Punjab.29RajasthanSwasthya Bhawan Tilak Marg, Jaipur-30200530SikkimDrugs Cell Deptt. of Health Care, Human Services & Family welfare Convey Ground Dara Gaon Tadung Gangtok-73710131Tamil NaduState Drugs Controller, Tamil Nadu, 259/261, Anna Salai Teynampet, Chennai-600006,32TripuraPandit Nehru Office Complex (Ashadh Niyantran Bhawan), P.O. Kunjaban, Agartala-79900633Uttar PradeshState Drugs Controller, UP, O/o Commissioner, Food Safety and Drug Administration, Sector-C, Aliganj, Lucknow, UP34UttranchalDepartment of Medical Health, 107, Chander Nagar, Dehradoon-24800135West BengalP-16,India Exchange Place Extension, C/T Building,5th Floor,Kolkatta-700073
The Drugs Control Officers (I) Welfare Association (DCOIWA) was framed on 13th October 2022 at Hyderabad as a result of the untiring efforts of many officers across the country
The first Executive Committee, with G. Koteshwar Rao as the first President, was elected at the said historical meeting. The Executive Committee immediately swung into action and a constitution of the DCOIWA was drafted at the meeting held at Hyderabad. In this meeting, the Objectives, Mission, Vision, and Strategy to be followed are clearly defined and documented.
Click here for DCOIWA news
All India Drugs Control Officers’ Confederation (AIDCOC), formed on 28th December 1995 at Visakhapatnam represents Drugs Control Officers of India. The Drugs Control Officers working in all the States and the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) are affiliated to AIDCOC organization either through their State Associations or in their individual capacity.
Click here for AIDCOC News
State Pharmacy Councils
Here is the list of State Pharmacy Councils
S No.StateName of the States Pharmacy Council / TribunalTelphone No. 1Andhra PradeshThe Registrar, Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council, 2nd Floor, 21st Century Complex, Nampally, HYDERABAD-500 001 (A.P.)O361- 261865 281630 224196 2AssamThe Registrar, Assam Pharmacy Council, C/o Dte.of Health Services, Dispur P.O., Hengrabari, GAUHATI - 791 006 (Assam) 3BiharThe Registrar, Bihar Pharmacy Council, B.M. Das Road, PATNA - 800 004 (Bihar)O612- 2292220 4DelhiThe Registrar, Delhi Pharmacy Council, Room No. 198, Main Building, Old Secretariat, DELHI- 110 05423971285, 23918440 5GujaratThe Registrar, Gujarat State Pharmacy Council, Block No.0/4, New Mental Hospital, Complex Asarva, AHMEDABAD - 380 016 (Gujarat)079-22680060 079-26443984 pharmacy-guj@nic.in 6HaryanaThe Registrar, Haryana State Pharmacy Council, S.C.F. 87, IInd Floor, Sector -4, PANCHKULA – 134 112 (Haryana)01684-240766 7KarnatakaThe Registrar, Karnataka State Pharmacy Council, No.514/E, Ist Main, Vijayanagar Club Road, R.P.C. Layout, Vijayanagar, 2nd Stage, BANGALORE - 560 040 (Karnataka) 8KeralaThe Registrar, Kerala State Pharmacy Council, Pharmacy Bhavan, Public Health Laboratory Campus Thiruvananthapuram- 695 037Phone : O471-470951 (O) Fax No.: 0471-572362 Website : www.pharmacycouncilkerala.org 9MaharashtraThe Registrar, Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council, E.S.I.S. Hospital Compound, Lal Bahadur Shastry Marg, Mulund (West) MUMBAI - 400 080 (Maharashtra)5684291 5684418 10OrissaThe Registrar, Orissa Pharmacy Council, C/o Dte. of Health Services, Nandankanan Road, BHUBANESHWAR - 17 (Orissa)481494 11PunjabThe Registrar, Punjab Pharmacy Council, C/o Parivar Kalyan Bhawan, Room No. 102-103, (Ground Floor), Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH (U.T.)01882-251506 0172-2661181 12RajasthanThe Registrar, Rajasthan Pharmacy Council, Sahkar Bhavan-22, Godown Circle Sardar Patel Dispensary Campus Sardar Patel Marg JAIPUR - 302 006 (Rajasthan)13Tamil NaduThe Registrar, Tamil Nadu Pharmacy Council, Block - E, Ist Floor, Jawaharlal Nehru, Salai (100 feet), Inner Ring Road, Vadapalani, CHENNAI - 600 026 (T.N.)(O) 044-472874714Uttar PradeshThe Registrar, U.P. Pharmacy Council, Flat No. 204, Arif Ashiana Building, Nibu Bagh Chowk, LUCKNOW - 226 003 (U.P.)0522-2257518 0522-2256570 0522-226498015West Bengal (Andaman & Nicobar Islands)The Registrar/The Secretary (Health) Pharmacists Registration Tribunal, Admn.of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, C/o West Bengal Pharmacy Council, 8 Lyons Range, (Third floor) CALCUTTA - 700 001 (W.B.) Pharmacy Council, 8, Lyons Range, (3rd floor), CALCUTTA - 700 001 (W.B.)220645416West BengalThe Registrar/The Secretary (Health) Pharmacists Registration Tribunal, Admn.of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, C/o West Bengal Pharmacy Council, 8 Lyons Range, (Third floor) CALCUTTA - 700 001 (W.B.)
Webinars for Drug Regulators of India
Click below links to read about various webinars for Drug Regulators of India
Webinar held on Drafting of Complaints for Drug regulators of India
Webinar held on Investigational skills for Drug regulators of India
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