The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces. The President of India is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Navy.
The Chief of Naval Staff, a four-star admiral, commands the navy. As a blue-water navy, it operates significantly in Persian Gulf Region and the Horn of Africa to the Strait of Malacca, and routinely conducts anti-piracy operations and partners with other navies in the region.
It also conducts routine two to three month-long deployments in the South and East China seas as well as the western Mediterranean sea simultaneously.
Post : Pharmacist
Applications through proper channel for the post of PHARMACIST (Group C Non-Gazetted, Non- Ministerial, Non-Industrial) to be filled up by absorption from persons serving in similar, equivalent or higher grades in lower formations of the Defence Services in the prescribed proforma as given at Annexure-I.
No of Posts (subject to variation) : 01
Level of Pay Matrix (7th CPC) & Classification : Level-5 Pay Matrix (Rs. 29200-92300) Group 'C' Non-Gazetted, Non- Ministerial, Non-industrial
Place of Posting : Port Blair
Age Limit : Not exceeding 56 year as on closing date of receipt of application for all posts.
Essential :(a) Matriculation or equivalent.(b) Registered under clause (c) of section 31 or section 32 of the Pharmacy Act 1948.(c) Persons serving in similar, equivalent or higher grades in the civil posts in the Defence Services and possessing the above qualifications.
Job Description : Storing medicine, Distribution/issue medicine, Maintaining records, making indent.
Provisional Appointment LetterThe appointment of provisionally selected candidates will strictly be based on the merit position, subject to satisfactory verification of documents, medical examination and other requirement as applicable and specified by the Government of India and Appointing Authority.
Document VerificationAll relevant documents pertaining of age, education, identity, address, category, caste, service etc., will be scrutinized and verified prior to provisional appointment as per extant DoP&T policy.
Date and venue for document verification will be intimated to the provisionally selected candidates through letter which will be sent to the respective address of the candidates by post or through Registered e-mail IDs.
How to applyThe application should be on plain paper (A4 size) (good quality paper should be used) either neatly hand written or typed as per the prescribed Format, affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly attested by self. The envelop must be super-scribed on the top as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “PHARMACIST” BY TRANSFER (NOW ABSORPTION) and sent through proper channel to The Commodore Superintendent, (for Oi/C Recruitment Cell), Naval Ship Repair Yard (PBR) , Post Box No -705, Haddo, Port Blair-744102”, South Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
The following documents are to be sent alongwith the application (Annexure-II) (a) CR Dossier in original / photocopies of the ACRs for the last five years, duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of India or above.(b) Disciplinary/ Vigilance Clearance Certificate.(c) Integrity Certificate.(d) A statement of major / minor penalty, if any, imposed during the last ten years.(e) Cadre Clearance Certificate.(f) Self-attested copies of Certificate / Marks sheet in support of educational / technical/ other qualifications etc., Original Certificates / Mark Sheets should be produced when asked for.(g) A passport size photograph duly attested on reverse (by current employer) should be pinned with the application.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS(a) The vacancies indicated above are provisional and may be increased / reduced or even made NIL without assigning any reasons.
(b) Attested copies of educational qualifications, experience and other certificate should be enclosed with the application in support of candidates claim against the requisite eligibility criteria. Candidates may be required to produce original certificates for verification at the time of interview/ selection.
(c) Incomplete applications, applications with insufficient details, and/ or those received late and/ or not accompanied by supporting certificate / documents and/or in the format other than prescribed, would be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
(d) Indian Navy reserves the right to shortlist the applications, if necessitated. Mere submission of the application does not guarantee for being shortlisted / selected for the post applied for. No correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
(e) The Competent Authority reserves the right to select the criteria for Shortlisting of candidates. Competent Authority also reserves the right to cancel part of whole of any recruitment process at any stage in this employment notification without assigning any reason thereof.
(f) The ‘Curriculum Vitae’ (CV) duly supported by documents will be assessed by the Selection Committee while selecting candidates for appointment to the post of absorption basis.
(g) Any candidate once selected shall not be allowed to withdraw or refuse to join and it shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring authority to release the selected candidate within one month of issue of appointment order.
(h) The last date / crucial date for determination of the qualifying service for the post will be the closing date of the receipt of application.
(j) Submission of false / incorrect / incomplete and/or dubious / bogus documents shall be a disqualification for the post.
(k) Canvassing in any form and/or bring in any influence, political or otherwise will be a disqualification for the post.
(l) Only provisionally selected candidates will be informed about their selection after the selection process and no other correspondence would be entertained.
(m) Candidates are requested to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions before applying for the post.
(n) The terms and conditions given in this advertisement are subject to change and should, therefore be treated as guidelines only.
Last Date / Crucial DateThe last date / crucial date for determining the eligibility of the applicants will be counted 60 days after excluding the first date of publication in the Employment News.
Published in Employment News 19 - 25 February 2022
Govt Job: For Pharma Faculty at (AIIMS) All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Govt Job: For M.Pharm as Bench Chemist at CDSCO – Govt of India
Govt Job: For M.Pharm, M.Sc, Ph.D Job at National Institute of Pathology | Pay upto Rs. 58,280 pm
Govt Job: for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc at IIT Bombay | Salary Rs. 47000 pm plus HRA
Govt Job: For Pharmacy Graduate at IPC – Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission
Pharma Consultant Job at Pharma & Medical Devices Bureau of India | Salary Rs. 1,45,000
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