Thursday, December 29, 2022

Schedules: All types of Drugs
Schedules –All types of Drugs under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945

Picture: Pixabay

As per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945, we have provided some important schedules for drugs relevant to the above-mentioned topic, Click on the below links for more information:


Schedule-B: Fees for test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratories or State Drugs LaboratoriesSchedule-B

Schedule-C, C1

Schedule-C-C1: Biological and special productsSchedule-C-C1


Schedule-D: Class of drugs and Extent and conditions of exemptionSchedule-D

Schedule-D I

Schedule-D1: Information and undertaking required to be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorized agent with the Application Form for a Registration CertificateSchedule-D1

Schedule-D II

Schedule-DII: Information required to be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorized agent with the Application Form for the registration of a bulk drug / formulation / special product for its import into IndiaSchedule-D-II

Schedule-F I

Provisions applicable to the production of bacterial vaccinesSchedule-F-I

Schedule-F II

Standards for surgical dressingsSchedule-F-II

Schedule-F III

Standards for umbilical tapes Schedule-F-III


Standards for ophthalmic preparations Schedule-FF


Schedule-G: List of drugs falls under Schedule-GSchedule-G


Schedule-H: List of drugs falls under Schedule-HSchedule-H


Schedule-H1: List of drugs falls under Schedule H1Schedule-H1

Schedule-H 2

Schedule-H2: List of 300 drugs falls under Schedule H2 for printing Bar Code or QR CodeSchedule-H2


Diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure. Schedule-J


Schedule-K: Class of drugs and Extent and Conditions of ExemptionSchedule-K


Schedule-L1: (GLP) Good laboratory practices and requirements of premises and equipmentSchedule-L1


Schedule-M: (GMP) Good manufacturing practices for premises and materialsSchedule-M

Schedule-M I

Good manufacturing practices and requirements of premises, plants and equipment for homeopathic medicines Schedule-M-I


List of minimum equipment for the efficient running of a pharmacy Schedule-N


Schedule-O: Provisions applicable to Black Fluids and White FluidsSchedule-O


Schedule-P: Storage conditions of drugsSchedule-P


Schedule-P1: Pack size of drugsSchedule-P1


List of dyes, colors and pigments permitted to be used in cosmetics and soaps as given under is : 4707 Schedule-Q


Standards for condoms made of rubber latex intended for single use and other mechanical contraceptives Schedule-R

Schedule-R I

The medical devices shall conform to the Indian Standards laid down from time to time by the Bureau of Indian Standards. If there is no Bureau of Indian Standards, then it shall conform to the international standards like those of the International Organization for Standardization, or other International Pharmacopeia Standards, and such other standards as may be specified for this purpose. In case national or international standards are not available, the device shall conform to the manufacturer‘s validated standards. Schedule-R-I


Standards for cosmetics Schedule-S


Schedule-T: (GMP) Good manufacturing practices for Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medicinesSchedule-T


Schedule-T-A: Form for record of utilizaion of raw material by Ayurveda or Siddha or Unani licensed manufacturing units during the financial yearSchedule-T-A


Particulars to be shown in manufacturing records Schedule-U

Schedule-U I

Particulars are to be shown in the manufacturing records Schedule-U-I


Standards for patent or proprietary medicines Schedule-V


Schedule-X: List of drugs falls under Schedule-XSchedule-X


Schedule-Y: Requirements and guidelines for permission to import and / or manufacture of new drugs for sale or to undertake clinical trialsSchedule-Y

Compiled by:Rakesh Dahiya, SDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

Schedules: Cosmetics

Schedules: Medical Devices

Schedules: Clinical Trials

Licensing procedure for manufacturing of Drugs

Latest Notifications: D&C Rules 1945

Latest Notifications: D&C Act 1940

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