Sunday, January 1, 2023

Banned Drugs
Banned Drugs in India

Government of India vide notifications published in the Gazette of India vide
G.S.R. No. 578 (E) dated 23/07/1983 and subsequent amendments, made under
Section 26 A of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 has prohibited the manufacture,
sale and distribution of the following categories of fixed dose combinations
which do not have any therapeutic justification or are likely to involve risk
to human beings:


Also read: FAQs about New Drug, Banned drugs etc.

Updated: Banned Drugs List (518 items) as on 22-11-2021

Updated: Banned Drugs List (518 items) as on 22-11-2021, along with their notification numbers. Click on the following link:


Notifications of banned drugs

For notifications of banned drugs, click below link:

Notifications - Banned drugs

List of drugs prohibited for manufacture and sale by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare via gazette notifications under Section 26a of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, with their current status as of November 22, 2021

Sr. No.Drugs NameNotification No. & Date1.Amidopyrine.GSR    NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19832.Fixed dose combinations of vitamins with anti- inflammatory agents and tranquilizers.GSR NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19833.Fixed   dose   combinations   of   Atropine  in                                                                                                 Analgesics and Antipyretics.GSR             NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19834.Fixed dose combinations of Strychnine and Caffeine in tonics.GSR NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19835.Fixed dose combinations of Yohimbine and Strychnine with Testosterone and Vitamins.GSR NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19836.Fixed dose combinations of Iron with Strychnine, Arsenic and Yohimbine.GSR NO.578(E) Dated 23.07.19837.Fixed dose combinations of Sodium Bromide/chloral hydrate with other drugs.GSR NO.578(E) Dated 23.07.19838.Phenacetin.GSR NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.19839.Fixed      dose     combinations      of                   antihistaminic                    with anti-diarrhoeals.GSR NO.578(E) Dated 23.07.198310.Fixed dose combinations of Penicillin with Sulphonamides.GSR             NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.198311.Fixed dose combinations of Vitamins with Analgesics.GSR             NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.198312.Fixed     dose     combinations     of any                  other  Tetracycline With Vitamin C.GSR             NO. 578(E) Dated 23.07.1983

13.Fixed dose combinations of Hydroxyquinoline group of drugs with any other drug except for preparations meant for external use.Substituted vide GSR NO. 793(E) Dated 13.12.199514.Fixed dose combinations of Chloramphenicol with any other drug for internal use.Substituted vide GSR NO. 1057(E) Dated 03.11.198815.Fixed dose combinations of crude Ergot preparations except those containing Ergotamine, Caffeine, analgesics, antihistamines for the treatment of migraine, headache.Substituted vide GSR NO. 304 (E) Dated 07.06.199116.Fixed  dose combinations  of Vitamins  with  Anti TB  drugs Except combination of Isoniazid with Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6).GSR             NO. 578 (E) Dated 23.07.198317.Penicillin skin/eye Ointment.GSR             NO. 578 (E) Dated 23.07.198318.Tetracycline Liquid Oral preparations.GSR             NO. 578 (E) Dated 23.07.198319.Nialamide.GSR             NO. 578 (E) Dated 23.07.198320.Practolol.GSR             NO. 578 (E) Dated 23.07.198321.Methapyrilene, its salts.GSR             NO. 578(E)Dated2 3.07.198322.Methaqualone.GSR                      NO. 49 (E) Dated 31.01.198423.Oxytetracycline Liquid Oral preparations.GSR                      NO. 322 (E) Dated 03.05.198424.Demeclocycline Liquid Oral preparations.GSR                      NO. 322 (E) Dated 03.05.198425.Combination of anabolic Steroids with other drugs.GSR             NO. 863 (E) Dated 22.11.198526.Fixed dose combination of Oestrogen and Progestin (other than oral contraceptive) containing per tablet Estrogen content of more than 50mcg (equivalent to Ethinyl Estradiol) and content of more than 3 mg (equivalent to Norethisterone Acetate) and all fixed dose combination injectable preparations containing synthetic Oestrogen and Progesterone.Substituted vide GSRNO. 743 (E) Dated 10.08.1989

27.Fixed dose combination of Sedatives/hypnotics/anxiolytics with analgesics-antipyretics.GSR              NO. 999(E)Dated26. 12.199028.Fixed dose combination of Rifampicin, isoniazid and Pyrazinamide, except those which Provide daily adult dose given below:   Drugs Minimum Maximum Rifampicin                                450mg                                600mg Isoniazid                                300mg                                400mg Pyrazinamide 1000mg                                         1500mgSubstituted vide GSR NO.100(E) Dated 11.02.200329.Fixed dose combination of Histamine H-2 receptor antagonists with antacids except for those combinations approved by Drugs Controller, India.GSR                      NO. 999 (E) Dated 26.12.199030.The patent and proprietary medicines of fixed dose combinations of essential oils with alcohol having percentage higher than 20% proof except preparations given in the Indian Pharmacopoeia.GSR                      NO. 999 (E) Dated 26.12.199031.All      Pharmaceutical       preparations            containing                   Chloroform exceeding            0.5%w/w or v/v whichever is appropriate.GSR                      NO. 999 (E) Dated 26.12.199032.Fixed dose combination of Ethambutol with INH other than the following: INH Ethambutol 200mg. 600mg. 300mg. 800mg.GSR             NO. 69(E)Dated 11.02.199133.Fixed       dose       combination       containing                    more     than                          one antihistamine.GSR             NO. 69(E)Dated 11.02.199134.Fixed       dose       combination        of       any                    anthelmintic                          with cathartic/purgative except for piperazine/Santonin.GSR                      NO. 69 (E) Dated 11.02.199135.Fixed dose combination of Salbutamol or any other bronchodilator with centrally acting anti-tussive and/or antihistamine.Substituted vide GSR NO. 290(E)Dated1 6.04.200836.Fixed dose combination of laxatives and/or anti-spasmodic drugs in enzyme preparations.GSR             NO. 69(E)Dated 11.02.199137.Fixed dose combination of Metoclopramide with systemically absorbed drugs except fixed dose combination of metoclopramide with aspirin/paracetamolSubstituted vide GSR NO. 603(E)Dated2 4.08.200138.Fixed dose combination of centrally acting, antitussive with antihistamine, having high  atropine  like  activity  in expectorants.GSR             NO. 395(E)Dated 19.05.199939.Preparations claiming to combat cough associated with asthma containing centrally acting antitussive and/or an antihistamine.GSR             NO. 395(E)Dated 19.05.1999

40.Liquid oral tonic preparations containing glycerophosphates and/or other phosphates and/or central nervous system stimulant and such preparations containing alcohol more than 20% proof.GSR             NO. 395(E)Dated 19.05.199941.Fixed dose combination containing Pectin and/or Kaolin with any drug which is systemically absorbed from GI tract except for combinations of Pectin and/or Kaolin with drugs not systemically absorbed.GSR             NO. 395(E)Dated 19.05.199942.Chloral Hydrate as a drug.GSR             NO. 304(E)Dated 07.06.199143.Dovers Powder I.P.GSR             NO. 612(E)Dated0 9.08.199444.Dover’s Powder Tablets I.P.GSR             NO. 612(E)Dated0 9.08.199445.Antidiarrhoeal formulations containing Kaolin or Pectin or Attapulgite or Activated Charcoal.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated 30.09.199446.Antidiarrhoeal                              formulations                                                                 containing Phthalyl Sulphathiazole                                    or                                                                 Sulphaguanidine                                                                 or Succinyl Sulphathiazole.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated3 0.09.199447.Antidiarrhoeal        formulations        containing                                           Neomycin               or Streptomycin or Dihydrostreptomycin including their respective salts or esters.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated3 0.09.199448.Liquid Oral antidiarrhoeals or any other dosage form for pediatric use containing Diphenoxylate L or loperamide or Atropine or Belladona including their salts or esters or Metabolites Hyoscyamine or their extracts or their alkaloids.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated3 0.09.199449.Liquid Oral antidiarrhoeals or any other dosage form for pediatric use containing halogenated hydroxyquinolines.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated3 0.09.199450.Fixed dose combination of antidiarrhoeals with electrolytes.GSR             NO. 731(E)Dated 30.09.199451.Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts other than those conforming to the following parameters: Patent and Proprietary oral rehydration salts on reconstitution to one litre shall contain: Sodium–50to90milliosmoles Total osmolarity–240-290 millios moles Dextrose: Sodium molar ratio–Not less than 1:1 and not morethan3:1 Patent and proprietary cereal based oral rehydration salts on reconstitution to one litre shall contain: Sodium–50 to 90 millios moles Total osmolarity–Not morethan 290 millios moles Precooked rice–equivalent to not less than 50gms and not more than 80gms as total replacement of dextroseGSR                      NO. 57(E) Dated07.02 .1995

 Patent and proprietary oral rehydration salts (ORS) may contain amino acids in addition to oral rehydration salts conforming to the parameters specified above and labelled with the indication for “Adult Chloretic Diarrhea Only”Patent and proprietary oral rehydration salts (ORS) shall Not contain mono or polysaccharides or saccharin sweetening agent. 

52.Fixed         dose         combination         of                      Oxyphenbutazone                or Phenyl butazone with any other drug.GSRNO. 633(E) Dated 13.09.199553.Fixed dose combination of Analgin with any other drug.GSR             NO. 405 (E) Dated 03.06.199654.Fixed dose combination of dextropropoxyphene with any other Drug other than anti-spasmodics and/or non-steriodal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).GSR             NO. 633(E)Dated1 3.09.199555.Fixed dose combination of a drug, standards of which are Prescribed in the Second Schedule to the said Act with an Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug.GSR             NO. 633 (E) Dated 13.09.199556.Mepacrine Hydrochloride (Quinacrine and its salts) in any dosage form for use for female sterilization or contraception.GSR             NO. 499 (E) Dated 14.08.199857.FenfluramineGSR             NO. 499 (E) Dated 14.08.199858.Dexfenfluramine.GSR             NO. 499 (E) Dated 14.08.199859.Fixed dose combination of Diazepam and Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride.GSR             NO. 169 (E) Dated 12.03.200160.Cosmetics Licensed as toothpaste/tooth powder containing tobacco.GSR             NO. 444 (E) Dated 30.04.199261.Parenteal Preparations fixed combination of streptomycin with PencillinGSR             NO. 93 (E) Dated 25.02.199762.Fixed dose combination of Vitamin B1 Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 for human useGSR             NO. 702 (E) Dated 14.10.199963.Fixed dose combination of haemoglobin in any form (natural or synthetic).GSR             NO. 814 (E) Dated 16.12.199964.Fixed     dose     combination     of     Pancreatin      or             Pancrelipase containing amylase, protease and lipase with any other enzyme.GSR             NO. 814 (E) Dated 16.12.199965.Fixed dose combination of Nitrofurantoin and trimethoprim.GSR             NO. 170 (E) Dated 12.03.2001

66.Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone with any anti- asthmatic drugs.GSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200167.Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone                                                                with Hyoscin and/or HyoscyamineGSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200168.Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone with Ergotamine and/or BelladonaGSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200169.Fixed     dose     combination                  of           Haloperidol                  with     any                  anti- cholinergic agent including Propantheline Bromide.GSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200170.Fixed dose combination of Nalidixic Acid with any anti-amoebic including Metronidazole.GSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200171.Fixed dose combination of Loperamide Hydrochloride with FurazolidoneGSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200172.Fixed dose combination of Cyproheptadine with Lysine or Peptone.GSR             NO. 170(E)Dated 12.03.200173.AstemizoleGSR             NO. 191(E)Dated0 5.03.200374.TerfinadineGSR             NO. 191(E)Dated 05.03.200375.PhenforminGSR             NO. 780 (E) Dated 01.10.200376.Rofecoxib and its formulationsGSR             NO. 810(E)Dated 13.12.200477.Valdecoxib and its formulationsGSR             NO. 510(E)Dated 28.07.200578.Diclofenac and its formulations (for animal use)GSR             NO. 499(E)Dated 04.07.200879.Rimonabant.GSRNO.884 (E) Dated 11.12.200980.RosiglitazoneGSR             NO. 910 (E) Dated 12.11.201081.Nimesulide formulations for human use in children below 12years of age.GSR             NO. 82 (E) Dated 10.02.201182.Cisapride and its formulations for human use.GSR             NO. 82 (E) Dated 10.02.201183. 1#Phenypropanol amine and its formulations for human use.GSR             NO. 82 (E) Dated 10.02.2011

84.Human Placental Extract and its formulations for human use except its Topical application for wound healing, andInjection for pelvic inflammatory disease.Substituted vide GSR NO. 418 (E)Dated 30.05.2011

85.Sibutramine and its formulations for human use.GSR             NO. 82(E) Dated 10.02.201186.R-Sibutramine and its formulations for human use.GSR             NO. 82(E) Dated 10.02.201187.“Gatifloxacin formulation for systemic use in human by any route including oral and injectable”.GSR             NO. 218(E) Dated 16.03.201188.Tegaserod and its formulationsGSR             NO. 218(E) Dated 16.03.201189.Letrozole for induction of ovulation in anovulatory infertility.GSR             NO. 752(E) Dated 12.10.201190.Serodiagnostic test kits for diagnosis of tuberculosisGSR       432 (E) Dated 07.06.2012 & GSR         433 (E) Dated 07.06.201291. 2#Dextropropoxyphene and formulations containing Dextropropoxyphene for human useG.S.R.332 (E) dated 23.5.201392.Pioglitazone and all formulations containing Pioglitazone for human useInitial suspension vide G.S.R.No. 379 (E) dt 18- 6-201393.Fixed dose combination of Flupenthixol +Melitracen for human useG.S.R.377 (E) dated 18.6.2013 and 498 (E) Dated 11.07.201494.Analgin and all formulations containing analgin for human useInitial Suspension vide G.S.R. No 378 (E) dated 18.6.2013 Was revoked allowing the use of drug with certain condition vide G.S.R. No.86 (E) dated 13.2.2014 Was revoked allowing the use of drug with certain condition vide for internal use except for preparations meant for meter dose inhalers and dry powder inhalers.Substituted vide GSR NO. 255(E) Dated 07.04.2021

1# Presently stayed by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras.

2# Prohibition was revoked with following conditions vide G.S.R. No. 367 (E) dated 13.04.2017: -

- The manufacturer shall indicate in a conspicuous manner on the package-inserts and promotional literature of the dextropropoxyphene and its formulations: -- “Use of drug for cancer pain only”, and

- “Daily administered dose shall not exceed 300mg. per day”.

- The container of the medicine containing dextropropoxyphene shall be labeled with the following words: -- Use of drug for cancer pain only”, and

- “Daily administered dose shall not exceed 300 mg per day”

- The manufacturer shall advise the registered medical practitioners to administer or prescribe the said drug and its formulations for use in patients with cancer pain only.

3# As per Hon'ble Supreme Court order dated 15.12.2017, the list of 15 FDCs were claimed prior to 1988. The matter is still under examination in consultation with Expert Committee.

4# As per Hon'ble Supreme Court order dated 14.02.2019, the list of 04 FDCs were claimed prior to 1988. The matter is still under examination in consultation with Expert Committee.

5# The notification of S.O. No. 705 (E) dated 10.03.2016 was quashed by Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 13.03.2019. The CDSCO has filed an appeal against the order dated March 13, 2019, and the matter is sub judice.

The Notification of S.O. No. 760 (E) dated 10.03.2016 was quashed by Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 18.02.2019 The CDSCO has filed an appeal against the order dated 18.02.2019 and the matter is sub judice.

The Notification of S.O. No. 806 (E) dated 10.03.2016 & S.O. No. 807 (E) dated 10.03.2016 were quashed by Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 13.02.2019. The CDSCO has filed an appeal against the order dated 13.03.2019 and the matter is sub judice.

The Notification of S.O. No. 814 (E) dated 10.03.2016 was quashed by Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 22.02.2019. The CDSCO has filed an appeal against the order dated 22.02.2019 and the matter is sub judice.

The notification of S.O. No. 1855 (E) dated 08.06.2017 pertaining to FDC of S(+) Etodolac + Paracetamol was quashed by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 22.01.2020.

Note: The above list of prohibited drugs is prepared as per the records available with this office.

If discrepancy is observed, the same may be brought to the notice of this office along with documentary evidence for necessary action.

Drug dosage

Drug Dosage and Administration

Storage conditions of drugs

Good storage practice of medicines at Medical Store

Import of drugs

Consumer Awareness

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